Um, hey, do I know you?

Yeah, of course you dooboo. My name is:

Well, this is awkward. Seems like you're a liar. Bummer :/

I thought that might be you.

Enough small talk. Let's get to the romancin' part.

Want to be my girlfriend already?

Are you sure? This is sort of a huge deal that some people may take all day to silently consider. Not to be taken lightly at all. I mean, for reals, the impact of this could mean so many things and it's just so easy to go down the rabbit hole of "what ifs" and get lost and really stressed out. Just sayin' ;)

You've been warned...

I see. Very interesting. Uh huh. Hmmmm. Okay then.

Hurray! This means we can eat pizza and have sex now right?